Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A Theory of Everything in Venn Diagram Form

Friday, November 19, 2010
Wellcome to the Circulation

Enjoy it while you can, because the closing of the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine earlier this year may be an unwelcome (sorry :-) harbinger of things to come in the Dark Age Ahead...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Paper published in J Biomech Eng

Well, we thought, that's bad news, not only because it seemed to contradict our work, but because it's tough to acquire and impose subject-specific velocity conditions, at least in comparison to acquiring or assuming flow rates and imposing fully-developed (idealized) velocity conditions. Admittedly, one of the drawbacks of our study was that we perturbed the fully-developed inlet conditions by imposing ideally curved and helical inlet sections. And we since had learned that common carotid artery (CCA) inlet segments are rarely so ideally curved, and their velocity profiles can be quite complex. So we decided to revisit the question, but now with the advantage of the high quality carotid MRI scans available through our collaborations on the VALIDATE study.
Specifically, in "Effect of Common Carotid Artery Inlet Length on Normal Carotid Bifurcation Hemodynamics", we started with carotid bifurcations (a dozen of 'em, more than either of the earlier studies -- we wanted to leave no doubt :-) having their actual CCA segments almost down to their aortic arch origins. As shown in the figure above, these were progressively truncated, and CFD simulations carried out on the whole lot (60 simulations in total!) using fully-developed inlet conditions. In the end we found that three diameters of CCA inlet length are required before it is reasonable to impose fully-developed flow, at least for the purposes of quantifying common measures of "disturbed flow" within the uncertainty of the image-based CFD pipeline itself.
So why the difference of opinion? Both earlier studies had looked at different hemodynamic quantities for sure, but we believe the big difference was in their inlet lengths: we estimated that the CCA in the 2009 paper was closer to one diameter in length, whereas those in our 2006 paper were (lucky for us) closer to three diameters. This doesn't mean that one paper is more right or wrong than the other. It just means that one needs to consider the (formerly) hidden variable of CCA length before deciding whether it's reasonable or not to impose fully-developed flow.
Best thesis cover

Now, I'm not a big fan of Futurama (more inclined to The Simpsons or, showing my age, The Flintstones), but I must admit to a bout of LMAO when I opened up a package containing this thesis generously sent to me by Carole Leguy.
Kudos to Carole (and Ana Soares, also credited) for their delightful (and eerily accurate :-) rendering of the vagaries of hemodynamical measurement; and to Carole's supervisors for allowing her scratch the patina of academic seriousness.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Congratulations to Amir Manbachi
My bad for being a couple of months late is posting this: Congratulations to Amir Manbachi on the successful defense of his Master's thesis, "Characterization of common carotid artery geometry and its impact on velocity profile shape". Amir is now doing a PhD on the topic of ultrasound-guided therapy, and is also patiently waiting for me to get my act together so we can submit a paper on his Master's work!
Paper published in J Biomech Eng

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Paper published in Ultrasound Med Biol

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Too many papers, too little time...

There are some discrepancies, of course. Boussel et al.'s data were acquired with 0.6-mm pixels, but would seem to fall between our predictions of 0.3 - 0.5 mm pixels. This may be because their images were segmented manually, whereas our predictions were based on automated edge-detection. (Thanks to Bill Kerwin from the University of Seattle for later explaining to me why the latter probably overestimates the problem relative to the former.)
It would have been nice to have included this comparison in our paper, for it bolsters our conclusion that the spatial resolution of MRI, rather than the adventitia, is the culprit. Oh well, better later than never! But, and per the title of this post, there are just too many papers out there to be able to read and remember them all. My Papers database has 3446 PDF files as of today, most of them probably relevant to my research, but the vast majority probably inhaled and forgotten like a fast food dinner, rather than savoured and remembered like a gourmet meal. A weak metaphor perhaps, but maybe science could do with a "slow food" movement...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Shit my dad says about radiology
For those of you disconnected from mainstream media, Shit My Dad Says -- I refuse to sanitize the title -- documents the pearls of wisdom passed down from a father to his son over the years. Being Twitter-free and Facebook-phobic, I only heard about this a few weeks ago from my daughter, who is a devoted follower, and then a few days ago I received the recently-published book, unsolicited, from my father as a birthday present. (Hmm, I wonder what this says about me as a father and as a son, Dr. Freud?)
What does this have to do with Biomedical Simulation? Well, a few minutes on Google and then PubMed reveals that the father, introduced in the book as having worked "in nuclear medicine at the University of California-San Diego", is indeed a former academic radiologist at UCSD, specializing in nuclear and adolescent(!) medicine, with quite a few papers in journals that I read. (OK, it's a stretch, but allow me this tenuous brush with greatness.)
All this to say: if you don't believe there's wit and wisdom behind the media hype, check out Samuel E. Halpern's editorial "Of Models and Men" from 1977. They don't write 'em like that anymore!
What does this have to do with Biomedical Simulation? Well, a few minutes on Google and then PubMed reveals that the father, introduced in the book as having worked "in nuclear medicine at the University of California-San Diego", is indeed a former academic radiologist at UCSD, specializing in nuclear and adolescent(!) medicine, with quite a few papers in journals that I read. (OK, it's a stretch, but allow me this tenuous brush with greatness.)
All this to say: if you don't believe there's wit and wisdom behind the media hype, check out Samuel E. Halpern's editorial "Of Models and Men" from 1977. They don't write 'em like that anymore!
All hail Lewis Fry Richardson (1881-1953)
First time I came across his name was indirectly, as an undergrad, learning about something called "Richardson extrapolation", a method for inferring the convergence of a numerical analysis. Then, much (much) later, as I was rethinking turbulence in blood, I came across Richardson as one of the pioneers of modern turbulent flow theory, and as the author of this unsurpassedly clever and concise description of turbulence:
If that weren't enough, thanks to my reading of Abigail Swillens' fine PhD thesis, I learned that Richardson filed the first patent for underwater echo-ranging (apparently inspired by the sinking of the Titanic), a precursor to sonar and, by extension, medical ultrasound.
In short, virtually everything I do in my research can be traced back, with far fewer than six degrees of separation, to Lewis Fry Richardson. For more about Richardson's life and works, there's the at-your-fingertips Wikipedia of course, but also a nice 1998 review in the Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics.
Big whorls have little whorlsShortly thereafter -- OK, so I didn't pay close attention to my reading of Gleick's "Chaos" many years back -- I learned about Richardson's anticipation of fractals via his musings on the measurement of coastlines, something that arose out of his interest in divining the mathematical rules underlying human conflict; and of his anticipation of chaos theory through his pioneering work in weather prediction. By virtue of what some might call his mania for the latter, he arguably founded modern numerical analysis and finite difference methods.
that feed on their velocity,
And little whorls have lesser whorls
and so on to viscosity.
If that weren't enough, thanks to my reading of Abigail Swillens' fine PhD thesis, I learned that Richardson filed the first patent for underwater echo-ranging (apparently inspired by the sinking of the Titanic), a precursor to sonar and, by extension, medical ultrasound.
In short, virtually everything I do in my research can be traced back, with far fewer than six degrees of separation, to Lewis Fry Richardson. For more about Richardson's life and works, there's the at-your-fingertips Wikipedia of course, but also a nice 1998 review in the Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Paper published in J Biomech Eng

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Back from Conference-land

Not pictured (yet) is me at the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, in Naples (Florida) and, simultaneously, Dolores at the 6th European Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, in Riga, Latvia.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Citations in talks
Here at the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, I was struck by how unhelpful some of the talks can be when referring to published works. This, by the way, is not a knock against SBC (a conference near and dear to my heart and one for which I will be Program Chair in 2012), but something that's bugged me for years at many conferences and seminars. It's just that the happy convergence of staying indoors to avoid the sweltering heat and now having a blog inspired me to finally write about this pet peeve of mine. (OK, I admit that I sympathized with the author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves, so read on -- or not -- in that context. :-)
Particularly, it is frustrating to see a citation to, say, "Zhang et al., 2008" on a slide. Try doing a PubMed or Google Scholar search on this. OK, maybe it makes sense in the context of the slide's bullet point, but when you -- well I, anyway -- are scribbling notes and trying to pay attention to the talk and trying not to spill the coffee cup that you've sneaked into the session, it's hard to remember to write down a few choice keywords from the slide to remind you what the reference is about.
Of course this shorthand derives from the fact that "Zhang et al., 2008" is how one would cite it in a journal article, but there you can find a handy reference list at the back for the details. In a talk, that don't make no sense. Instead, for years I have found the following to be a compact but still-informative construct: "Zhang+, Ann Biomed Eng 2008". The plus sign saves the precious 5-7 characters of "et al", "et al." or (shudder) "et. al.". The journal name is absolutely essential for honing the search result from potentially thousands of hits to just a few. The year hones the search further, and also alerts you right away to whether this is a classic work or recent finding.
Just my $0.02 on the matter. Now considering an expedition to the beach so I can, as the late, great George Carlin used to say, neutralize the blue.
Particularly, it is frustrating to see a citation to, say, "Zhang et al., 2008" on a slide. Try doing a PubMed or Google Scholar search on this. OK, maybe it makes sense in the context of the slide's bullet point, but when you -- well I, anyway -- are scribbling notes and trying to pay attention to the talk and trying not to spill the coffee cup that you've sneaked into the session, it's hard to remember to write down a few choice keywords from the slide to remind you what the reference is about.
Of course this shorthand derives from the fact that "Zhang et al., 2008" is how one would cite it in a journal article, but there you can find a handy reference list at the back for the details. In a talk, that don't make no sense. Instead, for years I have found the following to be a compact but still-informative construct: "Zhang+, Ann Biomed Eng 2008". The plus sign saves the precious 5-7 characters of "et al", "et al." or (shudder) "et. al.". The journal name is absolutely essential for honing the search result from potentially thousands of hits to just a few. The year hones the search further, and also alerts you right away to whether this is a classic work or recent finding.
Just my $0.02 on the matter. Now considering an expedition to the beach so I can, as the late, great George Carlin used to say, neutralize the blue.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Yiemeng Hoi awarded postdoctoral fellowship

Monday, April 26, 2010
Bibliometric indicators
Many of us have a love/hate relationship with bibliometric indicators, those numbers imposed on, and by, us to quantify the unquantifiable. The latest issue of Radiology provides a nice overview of these, giving some historical perspective and summarizing the pros and cons. (The previous issue of Radiology also provides what appears to be the first in a series of tips and tricks on the use of Powerpoint, something else with which many of us have a love/hate relationship...)
Update: And speaking of love/hate relationships, The New York Times has a funny/frightening article about the US military obsession with Powerpoint.
Update: And speaking of love/hate relationships, The New York Times has a funny/frightening article about the US military obsession with Powerpoint.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Centre for Innovation in Information Visualization and Data-Driven Design (CIV-DDD)

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Amir Manbachi wins Lorne Phenix Award

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tesla Talk at UCL, March 9th
On Tuesday, March 9th, Dolores Steinman will be giving a Tesla Talk, entitled "Investigating the body: Current medical visual culture", at University College London.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Position paper published in Ann Biomed Eng
In March 2008 the illuminati of the biofluids community -- I know, I'm just begging for the BSL blog to be flagged as a conspiracy theory site -- got together for the Fifth Sixth Fifth Bio-Fluids Symposium and Workshop at Caltech. Much fun was had by all and, as a reward, the session organizers were conscripted to summarize their respective areas in a series of position papers, much as we did five years ago after the 2003 Symposium. These are just starting to show up online now, and will be published soon in a special issue of the Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
I have to say I had a great experience co-authoring, with Charley Taylor, our position paper, "Image-based modeling of blood flow and vessel wall dynamics: Applications, methods and future directions". Those of you who know Charley and I might be able to tell who wrote what sections, but reading the paper again -- it was submitted back in April 2009 -- it still feels seamless, and we're both really proud of it. After summarizing the impressive developments of various applications and methods over the past five years, the paper presents a pseudo-SWOT analysis to highlight the promise, but especially the potential pitfalls, as image-based modelling moves into its second decade.
I have to say I had a great experience co-authoring, with Charley Taylor, our position paper, "Image-based modeling of blood flow and vessel wall dynamics: Applications, methods and future directions". Those of you who know Charley and I might be able to tell who wrote what sections, but reading the paper again -- it was submitted back in April 2009 -- it still feels seamless, and we're both really proud of it. After summarizing the impressive developments of various applications and methods over the past five years, the paper presents a pseudo-SWOT analysis to highlight the promise, but especially the potential pitfalls, as image-based modelling moves into its second decade.
Paper published in Physiol Meas

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Welcome to Alex Martinez
The BSL welcomes Alejandro (Alex) Martinez, from UofT's MIE undergraduate program, who will be starting Master's degree research this month. Alex's thesis project will focus on the further development (and, eventually, deployment) of an open-source MRI simulation environment that Luca Antiga and I have been working on (and off) for a few years.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A personal history of diversity
Just came across the BMES Inaugural Diversity Lecture by Sheldon Weinbaum, in which he gives a broad and personal history of efforts to promote diversity. I've always been impressed by the originality of his scientific ideas, and the passion with which he pursues, presents and defends them. So it should have come as no surprise -- but did anyway -- that he has been on the front lines of the culture wars for nearly half a century(!).
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