Thursday, January 21, 2010

Position paper published in Ann Biomed Eng

In March 2008 the illuminati of the biofluids community -- I know, I'm just begging for the BSL blog to be flagged as a conspiracy theory site -- got together for the Fifth Sixth Fifth Bio-Fluids Symposium and Workshop at Caltech. Much fun was had by all and, as a reward, the session organizers were conscripted to summarize their respective areas in a series of position papers, much as we did five years ago after the 2003 Symposium. These are just starting to show up online now, and will be published soon in a special issue of the Annals of Biomedical Engineering.

I have to say I had a great experience co-authoring, with Charley Taylor, our position paper, "Image-based modeling of blood flow and vessel wall dynamics: Applications, methods and future directions". Those of you who know Charley and I might be able to tell who wrote what sections, but reading the paper again -- it was submitted back in April 2009 -- it still feels seamless, and we're both really proud of it. After summarizing the impressive developments of various applications and methods over the past five years, the paper presents a pseudo-SWOT analysis to highlight the promise, but especially the potential pitfalls, as image-based modelling moves into its second decade.

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