There are some discrepancies, of course. Boussel et al.'s data were acquired with 0.6-mm pixels, but would seem to fall between our predictions of 0.3 - 0.5 mm pixels. This may be because their images were segmented manually, whereas our predictions were based on automated edge-detection. (Thanks to Bill Kerwin from the University of Seattle for later explaining to me why the latter probably overestimates the problem relative to the former.)
It would have been nice to have included this comparison in our paper, for it bolsters our conclusion that the spatial resolution of MRI, rather than the adventitia, is the culprit. Oh well, better later than never! But, and per the title of this post, there are just too many papers out there to be able to read and remember them all. My Papers database has 3446 PDF files as of today, most of them probably relevant to my research, but the vast majority probably inhaled and forgotten like a fast food dinner, rather than savoured and remembered like a gourmet meal. A weak metaphor perhaps, but maybe science could do with a "slow food" movement...